How have you been feeling in your voice lately?

Nov 02, 2022

I wanted to write with an important question for you:

How have you been feeling in your voice recently? 

I ask because our voice, being our tool for expression and communication, is the way we influence others, and in so doing, create a ripple effect in the world. 

It matters how we are using our voices.  

We are in a time where many leaders are stepping into greater levels of sovereignty and freedom in their expression, but there are still so many around the world who do not have the freedom to express their voices…

It’s vital to step into our leadership in our expression, share authentically from our hearts, and “shine our light” in the world. 

What would that kind of expression look like and feel like to you?

Would it be singing? Public speaking? Writing? 

To experience freedom, flow, and authenticity in our expression starts with having a clear and open throat chakra. 

The throat chakra is the energy center in the body that corresponds to our expression and truth. 

However, when there is a block in the throat chakra, it can feel difficult to express freely. 

We may experience feelings of over-analysis, fear of judgment, being critical, perfectionism, etc.

Can you relate to this? 

So how have you really been feeling in your voice recently? 

Have you been feeling totally free, open, safe, creative, and expressive? Does it feel natural to you to be authentic?

Are there parts of you that are holding back? If so, why do you think that is? 

I want to remind you of something you do already know deep down.

You don’t need to hold back your voice in order to be safe, loved, or secure. 

There is SPACE for you to express. 

There are many tools for opening the throat chakra to free your expression. 

โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹โ€‹For example, singing as an energetic practice is one of my favorite (and fun & fulfilling!) methods for opening the throat chakra and creating ease, richness, and joy in self-expression. 

I encourage you to find the tool that works best for you!

(It can be as simple as singing or humming in the car today!)  

My intention for today is to keep it simple and remind you of the power of your own voice.

We live in a world where we tend to overcomplicate things.

I invite you to sing–even just a little bit–today and remind yourself of the power of your own voice to heal.

Just notice the shift in your mood as a result of a simple intentional practice! 

Reach out to me at [email protected] and let me know what you discover.

Also, let me know if you’d like support with creating a daily vocal-alignment practice! You can email me to book a free 30-minute session.

Have a beautiful day infused with singing!



In harmony,

Singer, Certified Voice Coach, Sound Healer

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