What happened when I stopped doing my vocal practice?

Dec 05, 2022

I stopped doing my morning singing practice for a few days.

That’s how I know I’m experiencing resistance when I stop even doing my morning yoga and singing practice!

My daily morning practice is like spiritual food for me–it’s what connects me to Source, to my true self. 

It makes me feel at home within myself. 

It sets my energy for the day. 

It is my creative, self-expression outlet. 

So why in the world would I just stop doing it for a few days!?

There is no rational reason. To be honest, it was my ego getting the best of me. 

Have you ever experienced that? 

Having a daily practice that you KNOW makes you feel good, but you just stop doing it all of a sudden when resistance comes up. 

What is that about???!

Well for me, it was a sign that there were emotions that I needed to deal with and I was choosing to be “too busy” to deal with them. 

And by dealing with them I mean:

giving myself permission to fully feel, with loving-kindness and non-judgment toward myself.

It was an opportunity for me to get curious, to MEDITATE, and understand what my emotions are trying to tell me and receive the wisdom available

But I gotta say–last week, dealing with my emotions felt like work. 

and I didn’t feel like working!!!!! (said my ego 😉 ) 

So what happened? 

I resisted. 

And did that solve the problem?

–NO. It definitely did not. 

Have you ever heard the phrase, “What you resist, persists”?

Well, that was true for me. I totally resisted, and the not-good feelings persisted. 

So after a few days of not doing my daily practice and then feeling guilty about it and knowing I could be in a higher vibration than I was being… 

I decided it was time to shift. 

I decided I was willing to do the “work.”

So, I paused, and did my voice and embodiment practice, followed by a meditation. 

And guess what–just within the first 10 minutes of the practice, it didn’t feel like work anymore!!

What I actually experienced was peace, relaxation, and enjoyment! 

I felt energetically shifted within minutes.

I also received downloads and insights from my higher self. 

What I realized was that what was stopping me from doing my daily practice for those few days was…fear. (Of course!) 

What was really coming up is that I’m stepping into new levels of my personal growth right now, and my ego was just wanting to keep me safe.

Once I understood that I had compassion.

I see this happen often for creatives: 

As we step into our next level–whether that’s finally having the courage to sing in public, writing the book we’ve always wanted to write, creating music, booking that public performance, etc—the fear voice will come up! 

When this happens, we have an opportunity to heal and to more deeply understand ourselves.  

So what I want to celebrate with you today is…

It’s possible to shift!!!

And we have tools to support us–

My personal favorite tool is having a daily morning ‘voice and embodiment practice’ that I can always turn to. 

So today–I showed up for my practice again. 

I recommitted. 

And it feels like such a sigh of relief!

And rather than “beating myself up” for missing a few days, I’m choosing to celebrate the wisdom I’ve gained, and my vision for moving forward. 

It’s about consistency, not perfection.

And as I practiced music this morning and looked out my window at the birds singing and the sunlight streaming through the trees, I felt connected once again to that feeling of “coming home,” and remembered why I do this in the first place.  

Everything else in my day flows easier and with more joy when I do my voice and embodiment practice! 

Is there a daily practice that you have that gives you solace, that supports you in coming “home” to yourself? 

Do you ever experience resistance around it? 

What is the wisdom in that resistance that is available for you? 

My hope in authentically sharing my experience is that it resonates with you, and opens up a possibility for you to receive insight into your own journey! 



We are all on this path together!


Singer, Certified Voice Coach, Sound Healer

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