The Voice is the Organ of the Soul

Apr 07, 2023
The Voice is the Organ of the Soul

I wanted to share with you one of my favorite quotes about the voice. (This one is by poet Henry Longfellow. I feel that it captures the essence of the voice beautifully.) 

The voice is our instrument for expressing our true selves - our soul essence - into the world.

It’s like the bridge between the heart and the mind, allowing what is within us to express itself outwardly.

I believe we are all here to know and express ourselves fully.

Voice practices offer tools for authentic self expression; aka, soulful expression.

Voice and sound practices create alignment in the physical and energetic body. 

When we are aligned, the voice "sings" itself! 

We fully allow the sound to come out optimally (without blocks or tension), and it flows. 

Vocal expression (aka, throat chakra energy) doesn't just have to be singing or toning; it can come in many forms. 

It can also be the way we listen to others, the way we perceive our 'inner voice', or the way we write, paint, and/or any means of communication.

These can be thought of as the energetic qualities of the “throat chakra,” which informs our self-expression.

It is healing to open up the throat chakra and explore the question for oneself:

What does authentic expression feel like, sound like, and look like for me, (in this moment?) 

How can I embody this in my life?

It is so fulfilling to embody authentic, soulful expression and awaken the voice!

Many of my voice students laugh, cry, sing, and experience beautiful breakthroughs during our sessions together. 

It is a journey of self-discovery and creativity.

Imagine what's possible for you when you access the power of your voice – this “organ” of your soul!?

If you’d like to explore your voice and experience the soulful qualities in it, I invite you to take a look at the Embodied Voice Academy course!

This is the safe space where we train your voice in a journey through the chakras and awaken these qualities in the voice for free singing and powerful speaking.

With the course, you receive 1x1 voice lessons in addition to the group live training! 

When we embody the chakra qualities in our voices, we create freedom.

It actually inspires healthy vocal technique, as well as expansion in creativity.

The doors are open just for another week. We are almost full! 

Is this your time to awaken your authentic voice? 

Click here to learn more about the course, and to book a free consultation call with me.

I'd love to connect with you!

Wishing you freedom in your voice this year!


P.S. Interested to find out how your chakras relate to your vocal expression?

Click here for my quick (and free!) Vocal-Chakra Assessment to find out how to awaken the fullness of your voice!

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