A Qigong & Voice Yoga series to balance your mind/body system during the four seasons: spring, summer, fall and winter.

 Join us for 4 virtual seasonal classes:


Learn the power of gentle movement and vocal awakening practices to heighten your internal experience of pleasure and bring it out into the world as self-expression!

 Your co-facilitators:

Why Seasonal Attunements?

According to ancient Chinese Medicine, the health of our bodies is maintained by following the rhythms of Nature. But what exactly does that look like in modern practice, and what does a realistic, rewarding, and pleasurable “self-attunment” routine look like? 

During this series, we will create your customized movement + voice practice to balance your energy systems with the seasonal changes, bring out the power in your self-expression, and open you to more joy and pleasure in everyday life!

Utilizing the principles of Qigong, Chinese Medicine’s Five Element Theory (“Wu Xing” 五行, and EmbodiedVoice® practices that incorporate vocal technique + yoga, learn an entirely new and harmonious way to exist in and express from your body!

Spend this year attuning to the Elements of each Season.

Learn practical qigong and vibrational exercises to connect with and honor the unique color of energy at each time of year.

When we live and work in harmony with the seasonal energies, our mind, body, heart, and expression transform. 


Why Qigong and Voice practices together?  

Qigong is translated as “cultivation of vitality”.
Soft and gentle movements help to reset and reprogram the nervous system, while visualizations help to expand and brighten the mind.

Voice practices are a healthy way to move energy through the body, tone the vagus nerve, and create parasympathetic response in the body, all of which allow us to feel more free and creative in our self-expression.

Qigong + Voice practices together = more joy, more health, and more pleasure!

Benefits of Qigong:

🌟Activates the parasympathetic nervous system (rest and digest response)

🌟Reduces stress and anxiety

🌟Promotes quality sleep

🌟 Balances the respiratory, digestive, endocrine, glandular and nervous systems

🌟Increases vital energy flow throughout cells, skin, organs, bones

🌟Releases self-limiting thoughts and behaviors & promotes self-affirming thoughts and positive emotions

🌟Restores “inner harmony” to mind/body system

Benefits of vocal practices:

🌟Stimulates the vagus nerve, bringing mind/body system into homeostasis and well-being

🌟Opens the throat chakra for clear communication and “truth-telling”

🌟Sends vibrational healing through the mind/body system

🌟Cultivates JOY, playfulness, and creative expression

🌟Supports in overcoming fears around self-expression

🌟Creates confidence in vocal expression

🌟Aligns the chakras

How this class series works 

Step 1 - Register for the full series
Step 2 - Receive an email in your inbox with the Zoom link and details for joining us live!
Step 3 - Enjoy the live experience and watch the replay to create your own home practice
Step 4 - Join the private Facebook group for bonus training videos for both qigong and voice
Step 5 - Share your feedback, insights and learnings with the community, and meet like-minded members!
Step 6 - Enjoy feeling balanced during the seasons, and more deeply connected to your pleasure and self-expression

You will come away from each class this year feeling balanced, centered, grounded, vibrational, embodied, and connected to you pleasure in self-expression!

What to bring:

-Comfortable clothes for movement

-Yoga mat & water bottle

-Journal and pen for reflection

-Access to Zoom and wifi, since these are virtual classes!

-A space you feel comfortable practicing movement and making vocal sounds!

-An open mind and willingness to be curious and playful about what you discover during the journey :)


sign up now

Common Questions:

Each class will include:

Introduction featuring with seasonal themes

Experiential practice of qigong movement and vocalizing to balance the mind/body system

Live Q&A where you can ask your questions and receive personalized feedback and adjustments

I invite you to join me for this experience together, and empower your expression! 


Click here to register!

Learn more about the series from Rush & Sinead!